A Word To Our Graduating Students
As you launch out into the world in this next chapter of your life, here are some words of guidance.
1) Seek the truth wherever it leads without fear, for God is the author of all truth.
2) Distrust any claim for truth that is not truth united with love, for God is love.
3) Your faith will grow and change. This is good. You will move from a less adequate faith to a new more adequate faith. Think of the chambered nautilus. The tiny sea creature moves from chamber to chamber each house larger than the last until it leaves the shell and enters into the sea. So will your life and faith.
4) God is still speaking. The United Church of Christ has a slogan: “God is still speaking”. Their web-site quotes Gracie Allen, whom your parents or grandparents may remember. She says: “Never put a period where God has placed a comma!” God is not locked in the past, but is alive guiding and speaking today.
5) Find a faith home where you are living. No one can live the Christian life alone. We need each other more than we ever know.
6) Never forget: You always have a home here, your family of faith at Grace Baptist. Come back all you can.